In McCown We Trust?

Are you guys starting to see a common theme in my latest posts? That I´ve pretty much been wrong about all my latest predictions? Well, once again I didn´t disappoint with my evaluation of Bear´s backup quarterback Josh McCown. Before the Bear´s Monday Night game in Lambeau against the Green Bay Packers I called Josh McCown a chump, and said only a miracle could lead us to victory. I honestly think Josh McCown read my post about him prior to kickoff because he played like an absolute STUD and carried the Bears to a victory. Now let´s flashback to last Sunday´s Bears vs Lions game. Starting quarterback Jay Cutler struggles the entire second half and Coach Trestman throws in McCown, down 8, with one drive to tie the game up. McCown proceeds to lead the Bears down the field for a touchdown with seconds remaining. Trestman of course calls the two worst play calls on both attempts of the 2-point conversion and the Bears lose a heart-breaker. Yet again McCown showed the fans and the coaching staff that he deserves to be the starting quarterback until Jay Cutler is actually 100% healthy. So until that day comes I´m hopping on the Josh McCown bandwagon. The guy plays with fire and you can tell it inspires the rest of the team. If you haven´t given the man a chance yet, try giving him a shot, he just might surprise you.

Josh McCown - a goon, but he´s our goon

Josh McCown – a goon, but he´s our goon